Terms and Conditions

By signing up for our programme via our website or any other mean, all parents and guardians are subject to the following terms and conditions. Please read carefully.

The following Terms and Conditions apply to all members and non-member participants in our football programme be that training, matches or other events. The term “you” refers to players/parents/carer/guardian and “You” can be singular or plural.

1. General

We intend to rely on the written terms set out in these terms and conditions for the membership service that we provide to you. We acknowledge that you may receive written and verbal information from our coaching or administration team which shall also be incorporated into these terms and conditions.

We may update these terms and conditions from time to time for legal or regulatory reasons or to allow the proper operation of ProFormace Global Ltd or changes to within which we consider appropriate.

We will give you reasonable notice in advance of implementing such changes by email where we hold a valid email address. Where the changes are significant we may also choose to text you with the new details which again we require an up to date valid mobile number. The changes will apply to your membership from the date on which we notify you of such changes.

These terms and conditions are governed by English law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts

2. Fees

Fees can be paid by card online using our online system.

No refund can be made after a charge has been made. A monthly fee is for that month, whether you have trained for the full or part of that month.

3. Cancellation

Simply email ben@proformanceglobal.com and we will close your account from that date. No further payment will be taken and your payment details removed from our payment providers system.

4. Data

We will retain your details given to us electronically or on paper and we will use your data for registration purposes and to send you emails with news of deals and promotions and updates from time to time from ourselves and linked companies. We will only share your data with an alternative third party where you have given permission.

5. Privacy & Protection

Photos or videos must not be taken by parents or visitors to our sessions unless authorised by ProFormance Global Ltd directly and in accordance with our Child Protection Policy.

Any photos or video footage taken by PorFormance Global Ltd may be used for marketing purposes.

Your details will be added to our mailing list. To unsubsribe please email ben@proformanceglobal.com

All players must register at the venues designated point and be “booked in” with the member of staff. Their attendance must be recorded at each session.

Players must be collected from the pitch side on completion of the session. Should you make alternative arrangements with your child ProFormance Global must be informed in advance and will not be held liable.

6. Physical Condition of Player

Players must only attend when in good health and physical condition and that you know of no medical or other reason why they are not capable of engaging in active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to their health, safety, comfort or physical condition. Any change in medical condition MUST be advised to ProFormance Global and our internal records updated.

When signing up for a course we understand that;
> There is potential risks associated with physical exercise and I am voluntarily allowing my son/daughter to partake in these activities with a knowledge thereof.
> The player registration has been completed to the best of my knowledge and belief.
> I understand that if there is a change in player medical condition at all, I must inform ProFormance Global immediately.
> ProFormance Global Ltd accepts no liability for loss or damage of whatsoever nature and howsoever arising caused to me or suffered by me whilst on the premises, UNLESS such loss or liability is caused by the negligent act of ProFormance Global Ltd.
> Fees are non-refundable.
> I have read and understand the terms and condtions laid down by ProFormance Global Ltd and agree to abide by them. I understand that ProFormance Global may from time to time make changes without prior notice.

By signing up to our courses we expect you to have read our Child Protection Policy and also our codes of conduct.

If you have a query or are left unhappy in anyway with ProFormance Global please call us on 01442 938475 or email ben@proformanceglobal.com